3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0036 Santsima Trinidad Holy Trinity
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0009 Relicario de San Jorge
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0010 Relicario de Santa Cecilia
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0039 Statue of Ramses III with Horus and Seth
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0020 Rzeba w Jan Ewangelista
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0033 Saint statue Jesus Christ Gerard Linssen Venlo
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0015 Rzeba anioa z kielichem II
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0016 Rzeba Chrystus Pantokrator
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0046 Christ 15th c Unknown sculptor
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0014 Rzeba anioa z kielichem I
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0019 Rzeba w Jan Chrzciciel
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0008 Relicario de San Gregorio
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0026 Saint Jean au Calvaire
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0011 Relicario de Santa Dorotea
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0043 Virgen de Arconada o Alconada
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0006 Relicario de San Antonio Abad
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0078 [Paul the Apostle Unknown sculptor
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0081 [Saint Alphonsus Liguori with peel 3d
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0060 [Christ 15th c Unknown sculptor
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0063 [Guild Park amp Gardens Saint Francis amp The Wolf
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0076 [Otto V The Lazy Duke
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0061 [Christ at the Column 1718th c Unknown sculptor
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0074 [Notre Dame de Guadalupe
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0079 [Pensive Christ 19th c Unknown sculptor
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Statues of famous people STKRL_0062 [Fall under the cross
Model without anti-aliasing for editing